Published inCreators HubJanuary Highlights From Medium’s Newest WritersFresh voices from every corner of the platformJan 7, 20221.2K4Jan 7, 20221.2K4
Published inCreators HubNovember Highlights From Medium’s Newest WritersWelcome, new friends. We’re glad you’re here.Nov 16, 20211K7Nov 16, 20211K7
Published inCreators HubHighlights From Medium’s Newest WritersHello, new friends. We’re glad you’re here.Oct 15, 20211.8K16Oct 15, 20211.8K16
Published inForgeWe want your Daily Tips! ✨Forge wants to highlight the strategies, life hacks, and bits of wisdom that have made your life better.Jun 22, 20211.2K6Jun 22, 20211.2K6
Published inForgeDo this when you’re struggling to get into a creative flowToday’s tiny dose of wisdomJun 21, 20215934Jun 21, 20215934
Published inForgeOne quick evening practice to change your narrativeToday’s tiny dose of wisdomJun 20, 20216744Jun 20, 20216744
Published inForgeOne mental trick to help you break a bad habitToday’s tiny dose of wisdomJun 19, 20213952Jun 19, 20213952
Published inForgeMake this tiny tweak in your language to get a more powerful responseToday’s tiny dose of wisdomJun 18, 20214152Jun 18, 20214152
Published inForgeOne brilliant way to beat imposter syndromeToday’s tiny dose of wisdomJun 17, 20211742Jun 17, 20211742
Published inForgeOne way to make instant traction on the goal that’s in your headToday’s tiny dose of wisdomJun 16, 20211361Jun 16, 20211361
Published inForgeOne simple trick to help your conversations flow betterToday’s tiny dose of wisdomJun 15, 20211Jun 15, 20211
Published inForgeThe easiest way to say ‘no’ to something you don’t want to doToday’s tiny dose of wisdomJun 14, 20212Jun 14, 20212
Published inForgeDo this tiny thing when you’re overwhelmed by your messy houseToday’s tiny dose of wisdomJun 13, 20213Jun 13, 20213
Published inForgeOne simple way to end your day triumphantlyToday’s tiny dose of wisdomJun 12, 2021Jun 12, 2021
Published inForgeOne way to add bursts of joy to your calendarToday’s tiny dose of wisdomJun 11, 2021Jun 11, 2021
Published inForgeOne weird trick to help you think through a problemToday’s tiny dose of wisdomJun 10, 20212Jun 10, 20212
Published inForgeDo this the next time you say something nice about someoneToday’s tiny dose of wisdomJun 9, 20211Jun 9, 20211
Published inForgeUse these three words when dealing with conflictToday’s tiny dose of wisdomJun 8, 20211Jun 8, 20211
Published inForgeDo this to quiet your overstimulated brainToday’s tiny dose of wisdomJun 7, 20211Jun 7, 20211
Published inForgeOne question to ask yourself for a more rewarding dayToday’s tiny dose of wisdomJun 6, 20211Jun 6, 20211